some things I'm happy about

0 minute read (148 words)

I cycled to work every day since Wednesday. That's 4 days now :) and 72 miles. Also have all the right clips for pump etc now.

Really getting stuck into new project at work, which is good.

Really getting stuck into Linux at home (mostly fedora). Currently trying to figure out what I've done wrong on my attempt at a samba share.

I'm also making quite a good attempt at keeping my bookmarks up to date, and adding new stuff. (link from timwise)

If you had noticed (unlikely) that my stats pages and are down and that the full size photos are missing it's because the little old laptop I've been running them on got hacked and I haven't fixed it yet. That'll teach me for lapsing on updates! I'll probably post interesting details of what I find when I get around to analysing the machine.



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