April showers came early. MS vendor lock in.

0 minute read (171 words)

So, I went to the pub last night with my neighbour, which was nice. And we went on our bikes, which was nice. And we had a couple of drinks, which was nice. And we went outside to go home, and it was pouring with rain, which was interesting. So we got soaked.

Going to an MSDN evening later. Bit of professional development.

On another topic, it occurs to me that the standard practice in Microsoft.NET is to write software that only runs with MSSQL, this means there is starting to be a lot of code available that won't run on anything else. I imagine there are potential optimisations from writing specifically for ms sql, but I can't help thinking that it is a typical ms vendor lock in. Whether it was a conscious decision to make this the default or not I couldn't say and don't really care, the end result is the same. Take a look on codeproject and see how many projects say "only runs with ms sql".

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