
0 minute read (182 words)

lately I have been mostly writing this website:
I worked all weekend and am stretched to the limit, cos tomorrow will be the 13th day of work on the trot without a break.

I've managed to get fedora running nicely on my main box now, up2date and add/remove took a while to get working, and they seem to have removed mozilla's built in mail client in favour of evolution (and thunderbird).
I look forward to becoming a hardened linux hacker. Don't suppose any of you know if subversion is as good as the promotional material says it is do you?

Once again, I still need to find people who are looking for a place in Reading, if you know anyone then put them in touch with me.

I'm quite pleased with the progress of the online friends list. I'd really like everyone to be part of this network. Everyone say a big hello to our new addition Chris (old friend from back in the dayz!)

Did I mention how much I dislike clothes washing? I've got to hang it all up now. _sigh_


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