weekend update

1 minute read (246 words)

Ok, it's been a while, and between now and then there was a super weekend.

Saturday. Spur of the moment cultural day with my super mate D. We went to see Democracy at Wyndham's in the West End. The play provided fascinating insight into post war German politics. In the opening scene I thought I was not going to understand anything due to my not exactly perfect knowledge of German history, however it quickly became evident that the substance was a brilliant analysis of the personal feelings and motivations of those governing both West and East Germany up till the fall of the Berlin wall and nothing was presumed of the audience's knowledge. A scintillating two and a half hours.

There was also a china town feast, and a trip to see an old friend, which was truly a pleasure. Eventually I got reminded to go home as I was starting to look worse for wear, being somewhat cream crackered, and that, was that.

Sunday involved guitar playing, church going and pub testing with another close friend, who just happens to be next in the alphabet - E!
Glad to say my guitar practice is paying off a bit and I wasn't too rubbish by musical person's standards ;). I had the opportunity to attempt playing flute - now there's an experience! Respect to all who have mastered that fine art, I managed to make a noise eventually but it wasn't pretty!

kisses to all



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