sleep is for wusses

1 minute read (230 words)

My debut performance draws near! I have my picture in the twyford advertiser and the henley standard which is cool. I stood outside Waitrose for an hour publicising the play and got slightly nervous as to the number of people who actually sounded interested. So I made an extra effort in the technical rehearsal and only got some of it completely wrong. Oh well, guess it's called amateur dramatics for a reason!

As for the swimming, I'm pleased with the improvement in my technique, soon I may even be able to swim the required distances in one go. I've also been doing a bit of running. The new shoes still aren't quite right - they rub a bit, and it's going to be a long time before I can run ten kilometers. Maybe I'll wait till next year before attempting to race, I wouldn't want all the marshals to have to wait for me before the can go home!

And now, a word about coz.
The other day I was sitting with my friends in her old house, and it was quiet, so I said "everyone point at coz", and everyone pointed at the floor, and laughed. Then we discussed whether coz would have gone coy even when so far away :D

Now I'm going to have another go at re-encoding DV video into XviD. Then it's time for some sleep.

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